Category: Configuring a dataset scheduled refresh

Thought exercise – Benefits of Cloud Computing

Thought exercise This section allows you to reflect on all the information presented in this chapter and apply it in a customer requirements scenario. Migration assessment discovery output The following inventory was discovered from an organization assessment. What approach should you take for each of the inventory items listed?: Now that you have identified an […]


Availability Zones – Core Azure Architectural Components

Availability Zones Some regions are further divided into Availability Zones, although they are not available in all regions, and not all resources support Availability Zones. The purpose of an Availability Zone is to provide redundancy within a region, that is, to protect against a data center failure, so that a failure related to something such […]


Using deployment pipelines – Managing Workspaces

Using deployment pipelines In software development best practices, you never want to mix development work with work that has been completed, is of a known good quality, and is used for production. To do this, most organizations will have separate environments for development and production. Some organizations will have more environments in the middle, such […]


Configuring a dataset scheduled refresh – Managing Datasets

Configuring a dataset scheduled refresh It is very important to have not only accurate but also timely data for your reports. Looking at a sales forecast report for last year, or even last week’s inventory report, may lead you to making the wrong business decisions. To keep your imported Power BI report data up to […]


What is the Shared Responsibility model? – Introduction to Cloud Computing

What is the Shared Responsibility model? The Shared Responsibility model is a security model and is critically important to understand when operating resources within a public or hybrid cloud environment. You should understand when it is your responsibility to provide the appropriate level of security and where it’s not your responsibility but that of the […]